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I got Bailed on

Mia Garlock

Today we were supposed to re-commence my husbands training. Supposed to. He bailed on me.

I should have known he would be waffling back and forth when it came to getting up earlier and working out. My husband is anything but a morning person. He was so excited when we made this plan though that I was sure he would come through. Today I got up and grabbed our gear, woke him up and he said.. “… No. No I don’t like mornings enough to work out.” Dude, I will kick your ass.

And with a Harumph he rolled over and went back to sleep.

Monday’s aren’t his strong suit, and early mornings on Monday are definitely not his jam. So tomorrow I’m going to get after him again and see if we can make this happen. I will not be so easily deterred.

I have two weeks of Mace training left to complete, so I’m getting it going today. I’m determined to get this done and get the CEUS for ISSA for it, and have that much more experience under my belt. I’m also anxious to get it done because I want to get started on Ataraxia. It’s the final leg of the Valkyrie Squad program as it stands currently, and I haven’t even touched it yet. I’m excited for the challenges it will bring, I know it really grabs your endurance by the balls and says “are you sure you’re ready?” And I feel like I need something to really push me and challenge me right now, so it feels ideal.

I am moving a little slower today than I had wanted to. I didn’t get great sleep last night, I was up at 3am tossing and turning and it felt like it took forever for me to settle down and fall back asleep. As much as I was disappointed that my husband bailed on our workout plans, I was also low key relieved that I could go back to bed for another hour before I needed to get up for the day, because my sleep was so messed up. I’m still going to get Mace done, here in about 20 minutes or so. I just needed to take my time waking up this morning.

It’s cooler this morning than it has been lately and I’m grateful for it. I love the cooler mornings and how it wakes me up when I’m outside working out. It seems like everyone sleeps in a little bit too, instead of being up at 7am, all the kids sleep an extra hour or so, and everyone is in a much better mood.


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