Harder than it Should Have Been, says my ego
Ugh, the give and take. Mostly the take.
The downside to the way that I was working on my cookbook to get it done. I spent a lot of time on that project and I'm so proud of myself for the effort I put into making it something beautiful and helpful and inspiring in the kitchen. BUT.... and there is indeed a big butt-
I sacrificed workouts for it.
Instead of finding ways to maintain my workout routines and work on it at the same time. I skipped them. Over and over again, I skipped my workouts because it felt too overwhelming to keep going with any kind of program or routine while I was up to my eyeballs in ingredients lists.
I could have, and most definitely should have been more consistent. I did work out! I did! I ran sword drills! I did yoga! I even swung my mace around! But like... with days and days in between... sometimes weeks, if I'm being super honest about it.
Since we moved out of that old house in Hartford, I haven't been consistent with working out
To be fair, my entire lifestyle has had to change drastically since moving out. I live in a 23ft Yurt/Bell tent half the time. My routines have had to change because of it, and while I would more call what I'm doing Glamping vs Camping, it's still harder, makes me more exhausted at times, and is harder on my body because of some of the work that inevitably has to be done. Every day feels a bit like a workout, so adding to it in the first few months out here felt like a lot.
I worked out today with 10lb weights, and they felt like they weighed 15. My squats were shallow as hell and my knees shook during my lunges. I'm follicular as possible right now, what gives? I should be going into Hulk mode, not weak sauce. I was being hard on myself for sure, and I made sure I put on a playlist that would do the opposite. Qveen Herby and Able Heart take me to a happier place.
I did a lot of low core focused work because my lumbar has been achey lately, and I've noticed slacking in my posture and my pelvic tilt since my last cycle too. Womp WOmp. For some reason, I dunno because I'm human or something, I always feel like once I've stopped hurting, I can just stop doing the work that is taking the pain away. But that's never the case, that's not how it works and I know that. I've allowed myself to become lazy in my core work so I spent some time doing low core and deep core moves to really get ish activated and holding strong for the rest of my workout.
It was still harder than I wanted it to be.
I made it through, but it wasn't the kind of ass kicking I wanted it to be, it was more of a "damn bitch, you need to make this mat your bestie again" kind of workout.
That's okay though. Gotta have grace for myself and the hard work I put into something else, and now that it's done and I just get to be annoying about it to anyone who will read these posts, or who is on my social media.
But I'm ready now to test something out., I have a theory about something that's plagued me my entire adult life, and I think that this little workout series I've been putting together in my head can help me out.
One of the things I've always struggled with is my bust size. These mammaries are mountainous and I've tried every single contraption to try and hold these things in place during LIFE, and workouts. They're all uncomfortable. Either they're not supportive enough and my back hurts, or they dig into my ribs or my shoulders, or whatever I feel like complaining about and blaming my boobs for- they have been the problem child in my life since I was 14.
Brake check real quick.
Bras are uncomfortable as fuck. But what's going on with these muscles? Why does something on my chest make my back hurt? And how can I fix it?
While a bra is meant to support some of the weight of your breasts, your body is supposed to do some of the work too. I've been doing a little homework lately and I've found that some of the same muscle groups that have been causing me pains for years, are causing me pain because they've been compensating for the weak muscles not doing the work of holding up these yitties.
What would happen if I made those muscles stronger, and eliminated that compensation? Would my bra size change? Would my bras fit better, because I wasn't relying on scraps of fabric and lace to defy gravity?
All I'm saying, is there's gotta be some factor in the discomfort of wearing a bra that we haven't been talking about.