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Happy Belated New Year!

Mia Garlock

Yesterday was so busy I didn’t even get the chance to sit down and write anything!

Despite most everything being closed yesterday because of the Holiday, we had quite a lot going on. My husbands aunt has a family New Years Day dinner with some interesting main course foods, and so she was preparing for that all day. I lamented the tree still being up, chased down my kids, walked Yrsa when it wasn’t raining, got extra chairs out of the shed, and tried to keep up with my kids new toys being scattered all over the living room.

My New Years Eve consisted of staying in, drinking some of my House of Wind Hot Cocoa with a clay mask on my face, and hair mask on my head. And then with a hot hot shower and a delightful shower scrub that I got for Yule. And at 11:55pm on Dec 31st, I took the scissors into the bathroom, and I cut my hair. I didn’t want anything left of 2022 to be stuck in my pores or attached to my head.

I literally spent all of 4 minutes cutting my hair, I think it turned out pretty good! I’m loving the new lightness that comes from shorter hair, and I think it fits my face better than the long tangled tresses I had before. I’ve wanted to love long hair my whole life, and I’ve had it long for most of my years. I’ve continuously come back to this length several times in my life and always hated it, thinking that only skinny faces could make a shorter cut look good. My face will always be round, it’s literally the shape of my bones, and with my hair constantly up in a knot on the back of my head, it’s what everyone always sees anyway! My round face! So I’ve been thinking of cutting my hair short for weeks now and held myself back every time. I decided though, that I’m not going to get in my own way anymore. I’m done doing that. So I chopped off my hair, and I’m loving it.

The family tradition meal, is sauerkraut roasted ribs and mashed potatoes, with sweet rolls. Yes, I think it’s strange too. Apparently it’s a tradition she holds to help prepare everyone’s guts for the new year… and yes, all that sauerkraut does exactly what you think it does, and no, this is not a wise move to make here as we only have one functioning toilet. Needless to say, everyone shortly after a game of Uno, because they needed to evacuate their insides. I’m not fond of this tradition, or the way it tastes. Next year…. I will not be participating.

Anyway, today is Monday and while I did sleep in, that means it’s workout day! I’m on cycle day 4, which is tapering a lot, so my energy is back and I’m feeling very much able bodied. My Valkyrie friend, the one in Novice who I was working out with last week, is feeling very capable and proud of herself for working out all last week. She’s informed me that this morning, she will be working out on her own, and if she needs me to boost her up, workout with her, or check in with her, she will give me a shout. I’m going to spend some time on Hip and Spine Mobility again today, because they just feel so damn good, and I’ll take Yrsa for a foggy walk, because it’s become the Bog of Oorid outside once again. All the snow we got from the blizzard over xmas weekend is gone, there might be a two x two patch of icy snow here and there in the yard, but they’re few and far between.

Today is laundry day too, and I’ve not done any of the laundry all weekend, so I definitely need to do that today. Thankfully all the other chores have been done or taken care of consistently, but I have definitely got myself a laundry monster to tackle.

I’ve also got to spend some time on the Top Secret Valkyrie Project I’ve been working with Sam on, and it’s being announced in the Discord today! I feel like I’ve fallen behind on sharing the tiny details of this with you all, and now it’s announcement day and I don’t know what to share! I think I might leave you with just this sneak peak image that leaves you with no information. If you’re a subscriber to my content though, I’ll be able to release THE WHOLE DEAL at 12pm PST! So I guess you better go subscribe!


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