Glowing from the Inside Out
Do you ever just have random interactions with strangers that light you up for the rest of the day?
I ran into town for dinner supplies earlier in the afternoon today, and while I was in the store I had some great interactions with people I don't know, and it's left a smile on my face all day.

The first was before I even walked in the door. There was a couple walking in front of me with their beautiful baby girl on Mom's hip. They were walking in ahead of me, and paid me no mind... but their baby girl grinned at me and waved. And when I smiled back and waved at her too, she gave me the toothiest happy baby grin and it gave me this warm feeling in my chest. She waved at me again just to see if I would do it again, and when I waved back a second time she danced and smiled and giggled about it.
I love that age.
As I caught up with her parents walking in the door, I told them they had a beautiful baby. And like all parents do when told anything wonderful about their babies, they lit up and thanked me, and that baby laughed and waved at me again.
Then, as I walked to the front of the store again to check out with my burrito fixings, a woman in an electric cart accidentally cut me off, and I had to slow my pace and move over a bit for her. She apologized to me, and I said "oh no, you're good, no worries." And she replied "well, I mean I'm not actually, but I'm as good as I can be, considering..." and she gestured to the cart she was riding on.
She needed to know she wasn't a problem. I could see she hated that electric cart and just wanted to be in and out of the store like everyone else.
I assured her that I could relate: I'd broken both feet at once a few years back and found myself in one of those silly carts myself. She told me how she hurt herself, and was so sick of sitting down. I shared some tips for healing up as we walked towards the registers, and she gave me the biggest sweetest smile, and thanked me for the advice. I told her I hoped she healed up quickly so she could get on with her life, but to also enjoy the rest time, because we all deserve to rest.
This lady's eyes sparkled at my words, and she told me to have a blessed day. "You too babe," I replied, and I waved as I walked away.
It's interactions like these that keep me going. Keep me wanting to help others, to make them sparkle a little more. All it cost me were a few kind words and smiles, and I've been glowing all day.
