Feral AF
If there is anything that Cycle Syncing has taught me, it's that the last 4 days of my Follicular Phase, and all of my Ovulatory Phase demand hard AF workouts.
I am a proud and happy Mom of 3, but I do not want any more kids. That does not however, mean that body has caught up to my mind. So in order to both distract my hussy ass vajeen from daydreaming about my husband all day, and to use up all the energy that my body would rather be using to procreate- I kick my fucking ass for about 10 days straight.
I do take rest days during those 10, but they're active rest. I'm walking, stretching, foam rolling, and maybe even doing some yoga if I'm feeling that foggy.
As I'm creeping up on ovulation, I knew I desperately needed a rough fucking workout. The kind that leaves you gasping for air with wobbly legs and shaky arms and hands, sweat streaming down your face and into your eyes. And that's exactly what I did today.
I ate some cottage cheese and strawberries for breakfast. I mixed 1 scoop of my protein powder into it to make it chocolate cheesecake style, and boost the protein without making breakfast super heavy in my stomach. I ended up with 25g of protein at breakfast and 12g of carbs, so I ate an apple for more energy.
I spent 15 minutes on mobility, dejunking my hips, spine, and shoulders. Grabbed my resistance band and sat with my legs extended and worked on ankle mobility and flexed my toes and ankles over and over again.
I started with Squats for 1 minute, and then moved into dead lifts with 25lbs in each hand. And then B stance. Weightless curtsey lunges for 30 seconds on each side before jumping into Bulgarian Split Squats.
Have you ever done those? I can do 4 of them before I start gasping for Breath with every slow agonizing rep.
I decided to give myself a weight break and hit the mat, on my back for some dead bugs to remind my core of how to stabilize itself. And then some hip thrusts because I was already there and it made sense.
I popped up and did some elevated push ups on the porch steps, reminding myself to squeeze my rhomboid muscles together at the bottom of the press, and then push up with my back, chest and biceps.
For shits and giggles I threw in some lat pulls with my resistance band, and some chest raises with my 10lb medicine ball.
And then I collapsed into corpse pose until long after I stopped sweating. I couldn't get up. I was so wiped, sweaty, and trembling all over from muscle use.
There's only one other way to feel so satisfied, but that's not exactly public content, kwim?
I ate lunch, and drank a protein shake because I didn't have it in me to make a whole meal today. I kept it light, because it was so damned hot outside today. Between this plate and the shake I ate like 56g protein at lunch time.

I'm working on staying a Hydrated Queen, and have collected two new water cups. My current favorite is a matte black studded 34 Oz cup with a straw and matching lid. I refilled this baddie 8 times today, and so I am definitely a Hydrated Queen, if not one that goes pee every 25 minutes.

I took a nap after I ate lunch and showered, and then journaled and made dinner. Dinner was much more substantial, I made burgers and gave myself a loaded double cheeseburger with a small side of chips. 47g of protein and 36g of carbs, chased down with my BCAA's to try and keep my muscles from making me wanna die tomorrow.

I made it to 128g of protein today. Which is such a huge deal for me because I'm chronically struggling to get enough protein. I needed to eat about 50g more, but I'm full, and tired, and its late and I'm definitely not making anything else today. I feel good in my body and I'm proud of both my nutrition, my workout, and my hydration powers today.
Work tomorrow at 9am. Who thinks I'll be too sore to walk properly?