Done Did it Again
I've noticed a pattern within myself.

And it's entirely focused around my cycle. Go figure.
But I'm not talking about my period. I'm talking about the one time of the month that I feel normal, energetic, and excited about life... and something that I seem to regularly to do to myself.
Follicular Phase: I'm energetic. I'm bouncy, I'm hungry, and I can lift heavier and for longer than at any other time of the month. I have so much stamina I could build a fucking house in a single day, or at least it feels like it.
We know I love those hard and heavy workouts. The ones that make you question your sanity and every life choice that lead you to this moment. I love it when I can just go go go like that through every heavy lift, every rep, every muscle ache like it's nothing. I only feel that way for like 6 days of the month, and when I do you know I go hard.
But the body- she needs rest, even when I'm feeling so strong. And I often forget that. Which leads to more intense fatigue when I transition into my luteal phase.
And often before that even happens, I end up hurting myself because I don't let myself freaking rest.
So for the last 5ish days, I've rallied hard- I've kicked my own ass every day without a break, while also working 10 hour days at my day job, and on my off days- recording and doing more workouts for my first client, and the Boobie Support Program, AND the Mace program. I've been really goal oriented for the last week and a half and so hell bent on getting as much done as possible, that I forgot one of the most crucial things: rest.
Resting my brain, resting my physical body, doing recovery work instead of hard work all the time. This is something I almost chronically seem to do in my Follicular to Ovulatory phases because I have so much energy. And to be perfectly straight forward with you, it's either I work out really hard or I tackle my husband au naturel, and I'm settled on no more babies in my uterus. So I workout. A lot.
And so I kind of hurt myself. I say kind of, because what I've done is exhaust an area of my body that was pretty severely injured, and so it's not a new injury, and it's not one that will ever actually go away- it's just one that is flaring up right now because I've antagonized it.
My left foot broke right beneath the ankle in the car accident, and it healed fine... the first time. But shortly after I left Alaska I fell, and landed right on that foot again. And because of what my life was like at the time, I didn't go to the doctor- I should have- and I think I re-fractured a part of my foot when I fell on it. For weeks after that fall I hobbled with pretty intense pain and bruising. But I managed because I was pretty much always in some kind of pain at the time, so I just kept hobbling.
Ever since then though, I've struggled with my left ankle. When the weather goes through massive pressure changes it becomes really easy to antagonize my ankle and I'm generally uncomfortable anytime I'm standing or walking. Or existing, because let's be honest- it throbs.

So after a week of intense workouts and long work days and zero recovery time because I am indeed the silliest goose in the silly pond- I'm taking a rest day today. Other than my day job, that is. I still have to go to work, but with the next 3 days off, I seriously intend on getting some rest in.