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Diving in Headfirst: Back to Mace

Mia Garlock

I’ve taken my time since returning from Colorado on Monday, to readjust to my time zone and allow my sunburn to heal up some before I decide to move around and get sweaty, and my energy is up and at high speeds, so today feels like as good a day as any to dive back in.

I have completed 3 weeks of Mace training, again taking my time to get through it as I worked on my Valkyrie month repeat. And while I haven’t completed the entire Valkyrie repeat, I feel confident enough in the moves that right now, I really just want to focus on Mace for the next couple weeks until I’m done with it. The intensity is pilling on now, and I want to be able to give it my all. That being said, I’m going to “table” Valkyrie Squad workouts until I complete Mace. I mean that in the loosest way possible: because I fully intend to still do Valkyrie Squad mobility and bonus videos, and if I have a day where Mace feels too intense, I plan to swap it with a Valkyrie workout.

I do have ulterior motives behind wanting to complete Mace as well. I contacted ISSA a few weeks ago, asking about if Onnit6 Steel Mace program would grant me CEU’s, and they do! I gain 20 CEU’s and a certificate once I complete Mace, and I do want that under my CPT credentials. I’ve also been browsing ISSA’s class selection and am debating what I would like to add to my repertoire in the realm of Personal Trainer skills. Nutrition seems like an obvious one to me, because many people seek out a personal trainer for not just fitness coaching, but also diet help. And while I dislike the notion of being a trainer just for weight loss, I cannot deny that it would be helpful to potential clients if I had that knowledge and could set them in the right direction at least. I’m also looking at Injury Recovery, and Pilates courses through ISSA, because I think that both of those are foundational needs that would improve my own personal fitness, as well as clients. Pilates used to get a lot of flak, and in fact I remember taking a pilates class and getting made fun of for it by friends a decade ago, but the pilates focus that we’ve had in Valkyrie Squad has shown me just how incredible it can be for body strength and functional movement, and I think especially for women, it’s a high value type of exercise.

My Certificate arrived in the mail

Anyway, it’s a beautiful morning. I already walked Yrsa at 7am because while I hadn’t done my workout yet, it was so sunshiney and lovely outside, I had to get out in it right away. We walked 3 laps this morning, because by the time I was about to round the corner for lap 4, I saw that the front door was open and one of my kiddos was smiling at me, waiting for me to come inside and fix breakfast and say good morning.

Also, because I have to mention this, my sunburn has officially reached “the skin here is a different texture than the skin here, and also it’s itchy. But be cautious about it because it still hurts.” So it’s extra fun, you see. But, it feels good enough to workout, so that’s what I’m gonna do.

I haven’t done Mace in two weeks now, and I definitely need to get back to it before I start to lose some of the gains I’ve had. Today’s workout is Peaks & Valleys, which is supposed to be done as fast as you can, so you have adequate rest periods between sets. I’m going to do a little flip it and reverse, and I’m going to move with slow focused intention and correct form through the moves. Time under tension will build that endurance up more than speed sets will, and I won’t risk injury that way either. I’ll be doing the same moves as the workout, but I’m going to be moving at a different pace. The offset weight of the mace bell alone, can be difficult to manage with good form already, let alone doing it fast, and I’ve had a couple weeks off, so I’m going to play it safe.

It’s such a beautiful day outside today, all my kids came outside with me when I headed out for my workout. My son found himself a long stick and began copying me as I did squats, paddle lunges, cleans with my mace. A few moments later, my oldest and youngest were beside me and everyone had found a stick or baton or other similar shaped item and my mace workout was suddenly a family workout. I was laughing in between helping them find their form and move more smoothly in the squats and lunges. I didn’t really break a sweat at all, my workout ended up being more dedicated to showing them how to do it, and getting in a few reps here and there between correcting them and counting for them. I didn’t mind, it was fun, and a great moment where being Mom and being a Personal Trainer could be the same thing at the same time.

My Husband also messaged me earlier today asking if I was going to get him into shape again now that I’m a certified Personal Trainer. If nothing else, writing up a program for him is good practice for me, and of course it will be fun bossing him around a little. HA! Maybe we’ll turn into one those fitness couples that I see on IG who are always hyping each other up and working out together. Not opposed to it, to be honest. Valkyrie and Illyrian Warriors… insert daydream here…

I spent a lot of time outside today, playing with the kids and hanging out with them in the sun. My sunburn is healing a lot, and is going to start peeling now. Gross. I haven’t had a burn like this in years and years, and I’m not excited about it. Though I’ll be glad when my skin doesn’t feel like leather anymore.


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