Day 90: Boxing Drills= Empowerment
I’m a little sleepy this morning. For whatever reason last night I had a hard time settling down and going to sleep. I tossed and turned until around 12:30pm, only to be up again at 4am because staying hydrated means my bladder has it’s own alarm. My low back is also a bit tired and achy this morning, which makes me wonder what the weather is like today. I don’t often wake up with low back pain, but when I do it’s because there’s a storm front on the way.
Low back pain can only be solved one way these days: Core Reset. I’m shockingly not sore today, like not even a little. Which is astonishing, given how sore and near cramping the backs of my legs and glutes were yesterday evening. At around 2pm yesterday I got nailed with that afternoon exhaustion, the kind that I know comes from working out so hard, and my hamstrings were tight all afternoon, just tired and done. I grabbed my magnesium lotion from Dandelion Herbal and rubbed down the backs of my legs and my glutes before bed, because no matter how many stretches I did, I couldn’t loosen up. The coolest part though, was while I was rubbing that lotion in, I felt my muscles.
Where once the backs of my legs, my thighs, were nothing but a jelly roll, now they’re firm, and I could feel the contours of my muscles beneath my skin. I could feel the bulge of muscle along my inner thigh, I could feel the firmness of strength under a much leaner layer of fat than has ever been there before. Even during my running days, I don’t remember feeling that much strength in the backs of my legs. An overwhelming surge of pride swept through me, because I did that. I did that work, I sweat that hard, and I have done so many freaking squats and lunges and walked so many miles already in the last 4 months, and all the evidence is there, in my legs. I get so caught up in what I look like, that I never noticed what it felt like. And according to my best friend, I’m blind as a bat when it comes to my physical changes, because it’s all she can see, and I can’t see any of it.
I did end up going back to bed for a couple hours. I was too tired to get motivated, I almost fell asleep at the table trying to get into Mindstilling, and my morning tea was doing nothing for me. So I crawled back in bed for two more hours to catch up. I was still somehow really dragging my butt around even after that though, but I made myself some fresh tea, splashed some cold water on my face, and got up. Got dressed, and ready to workout. It’s 39 degrees outside today, and there isn’t much wind, so I’m moving myself outside for Boxing drills. Maybe the cold air will wake me up a bit, and help get my heart pumping.
Mat out, Headphones on, Press Play.
There is no sweat like boxing sweat, I’ll tell you that. The workouts hit different, and as a matter of fact, so am I. I got my breath to line up with each move today, and just like Nesta, it was like a key in a lock. Suddenly more accurate in where each jab hit, I didn’t cuff myself in the side of the head when throwing elbows, and my footwork was on point. I didn’t falter a single time for this workout. No stopping, no falling apart in the middle. I got it done, and I was dripping sweat. I felt every punch travel up my arm and down my back and side body. I felt so strong, powerful, and dangerous by the end of it.
I did do my core reset first, using it as a warm up to get my posture perfect and line my hips up correctly with my feet. I think that really did the most help, because my footwork and my breath were exactly where they needed to be.
I walked Yrsa immediately afterwards, as my cool down and she practically ran me down the street for at least 3 laps. Apparently she really needed to stretch her legs today too.
Winter Solstice is right around the corner now, and I’m super excited to send out the rest of the cards and trinkets I have for my Valkyrie Sisters. I hope they love them. I’m equally excited to get cards from them too, just completing that connective bridge between us all. I became one of the Moderators for the Valkyrie Discord yesterday, and I love that for me. I hope that the support I give my Sisters in Squad is valued and that everyone knows it comes from a place of genuine care, I want all of us to succeed in Squad and Life. I want all of us to find the healing we’ve always sought but never found, until Valkyrie Squad. I want us to all know that we have each other’s backs, that we’re strong, that we can be our own heroes and even if we find that too hard, we have a Legion beside us.
#FightStance #Training #Corerehab #Magnesium #AtHomeWorkout #ValkyrieinTraining #BoxingDrills #Muscles #CoreReset #MuscleGains #ValkyrieLifestyle #ValkyrieSisters #Workout #Moderator #WinterSolstice #MuscleCramps #Walking #ValkyrieCommunity #RestlessLegs #ValkyrieDiscord #DiscordCommunity #Valkyrie #ValkyrieSquad #Progress #AtHomeGym #Nesta #Boxing