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Day 84: A Change of Plans

Mia Garlock

Bodies are complex things, each one of our bodies is so different, so varied, the components shifting constantly, like the plates of the earth. Mine, decided to completely change my plans.

I got 4 days into my Blade repeat and I had to stop. Not because I’m injured, or because something was wrong with the plan. But my reproductive system decided that things weren’t over yet. I have a medical condition, called PCOS, or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome; and that condition comes with an array of lovely struggles that affect my every day life, and some that affect my life monthly. One of the chief symptoms, is irregular cycles. Mine, likes to move around every month, often up to a week or more away from the previous month’s schedule. November’s cycle was extremely late, and then only lasted about 2.5 days before it was gone, and I even waited to see if it would kick up again, waited 3 days before starting Blade up again this past Monday. And then yesterday morning, as I was preparing to start Blade day 4… I felt it. I felt the rush of too much fluid, and lo and behold, there was my period, back for more. I felt completely fine, aside from the return of the flow, so I slapped on a pad and did my workout.

This morning, the cramps are vicious, the flow is heavy, I have headache, and I feel in general, a little tired and weak. Not ideal when tackling a hard workout, and I don’t know that I would have the strength to even do Blade Day 5. So I’m not. I’m pausing, again, to ride this out. Hopefully, this doesn’t stretch out more than a few days, and I can jump back in on Monday, but it’s just not in the cards for me to get into it today.

Photo by Polina Zimmerman on

I’ll do some yoga, some stretches. I might convince myself to still do Core Reset, I don’t know, these cramps are awful and my core is still super sore from yesterday, I’m leaning towards giving it a break for the day. I feel like I can’t seem to drink enough water, so I’m going to really stay focused on being hydrated, add some celtic sea salt to my water for electrolytes, and lay low.

And maybe it’s a sign that this is what I need, a chill day with my best friend where we knit, and talk, and eat yummy foods. Her birthday was on Tuesday, and I’ve yet to see her to give her the presents I have for her. The plan is to make her a lunch from the Eat Like A Valkyrie menu this week, she loves to be my recipe guinea pig. Food is her love language, and I love to provide that for her. We made plans earlier this week to save up for a trip in April, to meet up with our Valkyrie Sisters and meet Sam, and have a week long girls road trip, just us being baddies and climbing a mountain. I’m sure we will spend even more time today talking about it.

Photo by Nina Uhlikova on

If it’s not bitter cold and blustery today, Yrsa and I will take our usual walk. We had a brief one yesterday, my cramps were so bad, and the wind was still gusting and blowing through every layer I had too easily, so we went 2 laps and came inside. Yes, she argued with me about it all day. No, staying in the yard was not enough. Hopefully today she won’t be angry at me about it still, and we can take our walk like normal.

Yesterday I was pretty pissed off at my body, today, I’m annoyed. I thought I was done with my period and it turns out, my uterus was just playing a prank. How rude. I’m definitely going to spend some time Mindstilling and journaling a bit this morning and try to reframe my mindset so that I’m not a negative jerk to myself for as long as this lasts. Mindstilling really, should be the perfect reminder, because this is something outside of my control. There is literally, not a gods damned thing I can do about it. I can only be the rock, and this is just another wave in the surf.

Photo by Sebastian Arie Voortman on


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