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Day 71: Blizzard Strong

Mia Garlock

Oh boy. I have a serious case of the “I don’t wanna,” today. Partially because I was up too late watching a cool show with my husbeardo, and partly because it’s a blizzard outside and that makes me want to hibernate. Literally, the snow is blowing sideways outside and everything is under a solid blanket of white. I just want to sit, read, drink hot drinks, set the crock pot and forget about everything and be cozy and introverted. Hygge Mode is activated and I feel like I’m fighting against it to motivate myself to workout.

This close to the finish line though, I refuse to quit.

Not that there is a real finish line at all, but I only have two days left of Blade workouts for month 1, and I want to finish strong before my cycle starts, any day now. Blade day 25 is a Total Body Tabata workout, and just typing that out feels like a lot. I know once I get started, I’ll feel better overall, but damn. I know the level of ass kicking that comes with that kind of workout and I have my doubts on if I’m actually ready for that. Only one way to find out.

There is one thing I will say for Tabata drills: If you need to wake up, this will do it. I was definitely sleepy and slow moving before I got started, but once I did- I woke up quick. Probably because the drills are short, so I move a little faster.

I did struggle a little bit today. I took more breaks than I normally would, and I kept giving myself pep talks throughout, that I could finish, it was just one more rep, just one more set, one more round. This is typical for me in the days leading up to my cycle starting, so I just tried to keep it steady until the end. My form was all over the place, some moves felt impossible while others were easy. I broke a hard sweat and I finished the video gasping. I got it done, which brought all kinds of relief, I really hate pushing back workout days or skipping them for anything. But my body is clearly ready for a solid break for my cycle, so I’m taking my effort and being proud of it anyway.

I’ve been reading up on Cycle Syncing workouts and how much more beneficial it makes your workouts if you follow your body’s natural rhythms. That as a woman, my body is literally fighting against me doing any intense workouts in the days leading up to and during my cycle, and I would be greater benefitted by taking easier workouts during this time, focusing on restorative yoga and gentle walks and self care vs trying to beat my body into submission with intense exercise. Logically my brain agrees with all of this, and if my physical assessments and body awareness have been showing me anything, it’s that Cycle Syncing makes perfect sense.

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on

So for my next round of Blade, that’s what I’m doing. I’m going to take a break for my period and focus on yoga and hydration, and I’m going to tweak the Blade schedule just slightly so that I can switch gears into a gentler schedule for PMS week, and a break for cycle week, and go hard the rest of the time.

Yrsa and I will be marching and frolicking around the yard today for our steps. The wind is blowing so hard, I really cannot imagine walking around in that for a mile and a half. It will have to be enough for now. I do still have some shoveling to do throughout the day too, so I’ll be very active. But I like my face sans frost bite, so no walks today.



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