Day 69 Valkyrie Training: Kickboxing Bootcamp
My happy patootie was in jammies and in bed at 9:30pm last night. My Valkyries messaged me at 8:50pm, reminding me that I said I needed to go to bed early, and to get my butt in bed. Have I mentioned how much I love the Valkyrie Discord? And I slept, boy, did I sleep. Hard. I didn’t even wake up when my husband climbed in bed, and I always do. I was a literal rock, and the surf of my husband climbing into bed did not disturb me in the slightest. In fact, I probably would have stayed sleeping if it wasn’t for the alarm clock. Apparently, I really needed that early bedtime.
Despite my generous use of my aches and pains salve on my barking limbs, I am still sore today. Of course, because training. Yesterday’s workout was pretty intense and I can feel the remains of it throughout my core, shoulders, and quads. We did some work, yesterday. Maybe it’s because I didn’t have a War General massaging the salve into my aching limbs, but I was really discouraged about getting going on today’s Kick Boxing Bootcamp workout due to how sore I am.
So I grabbed my headphones and pressed play on Mindstilling. The Winter Court visualization is top tier guided meditation. It’s so gentle, and the background music is as peaceful, and light, as falling snow. I’ve said it a hundred times before, but Becca’s voice is so soothing. The perfect balm to frayed nerves or stress.

Photo by Jonathan Goerke on

Photo by Julius Silver on Obviously this is Kalias’ Winter Court Castle.
I love having these audio’s readily available, saved onto my phone, so that no matter where I’m at or what’s going on, I can press play and chill the heck out. I also listened to Morning Motivation Mindstilling because while calm is good, I needed a boost to get my mat out. I told you, I’m sore, and also whiny, I needed the pep talk.
I’m really unsure as to how well my legs are going to handle kickboxing today. On Monday my legs were giving out after so many kicks, it was like repping to failure! I couldn’t believe how hard my legs were working for those. Today, my shoulders and forearms are so sore from weights yesterday, I’m a little intimidated of throwing punches, I just don’t know how well I’ll do.
I guess I’ll find out though, so here we go.
It’s still cold and frozen outside, and I’m still unprepared gear wise to do such activities outside. If anyone would like to gift me with Illyrian Fighting Leathers, I’d be appreciative. Until then, I’ll be in the living room, cursing Sam and the furnace, sweating buckets.
Thankfully, today’s workout is all body weight. I don’t have ankle weights to add to the intensity, though that may be something I do in the future… so just the mat, myself, and my yoga blocks today. I swear to the gods though, if we’re doing push ups… Sam and I are gonna have some words.
There were push ups, but they weren’t regular push ups and I didn’t think they were actually too bad, so I wont fight with Sam about it. The most difficult move for me, surprise surprise, were the side planks with the kick extension. I simply could not. The ache in my ribs from yesterday’s workouts would not allow me to even lift my leg to a knee drive, let alone a kick. So I held that side plank, I held it and stayed there. The whole time. That ish was hard.
Kickboxing drills were hard, but fun as always. I found myself running out of space to smooth out the last few combinations and had to reset, or return to start on the opposite side. The living room is small, and adjusting to workout inside has been tricky for drills. I may try doing them outside in the snow, the pivots would probably be a bit easier to figure out and smooth out those quarter turns too.
Valkyries Don’t Whine About Getting Sweaty
But they workout on top of the House of Wind every day, and I workout inside right now, and it’s really freakin’ sweaty. Needless to say, I’ll be getting on top of my need for outdoor gear quickly, because working out indoors is for the birds. I hate it. Time to research barefoot winter boots.
It’s a frozen Bog of Oorid outside today, snow on the ground and fog in the sky. It’s supposed to keep snowing until Saturday, and the kids and Yrsa are both delighted. I still have to shovel the driveway with my sore arms, so I am not as delighted, but still happy about winter being here. I’ve already got my serotonin candles out, and between constant cooking and Alpine scented candles everywhere, it’s quite cozy in here when I’m not sweating my butt off.
Anywho, the floof and I are off to trot. It’s not snowing so I might actually be able to see where I’m going today, as opposed to yesterday, when I could not.

Photo by Jill Wellington on
#Training #WinterMindstilling #Meditation #GeekGym #LegionofBadassery #Mindstilling #AtHomeWorkout #ValkyrieinTraining #Sweat #KickboxingDrills #ValkyrieLifestyle #Workout #Motivation #Fighting #ACOSF #ACOSFFitness #Walking #Discord #Sleepyhead #Illyrian #ValkyrieDiscord #DiscordCommunity #OnlineGym #Valkyrie #Kickboxing #ValkyrieSquad #MuscleAches #GuidedMeditation #Boxing