Day 66: A Little More than Expected
Late afternoon yesterday, the air turned rather chilly, and while it sprinkled here and there, by dinner time it was dusting snow. Not enough to really stick at all, just to leave little rings of white fluff around the base of the trees where the wind had blown it.
Imagine my surprise, and my kids delight, when we woke up to 3 inches of the stuff coating everything outside…

The First Snow Day is always full of excitement, gets everyone buzzing around the house like bees. The kids were practically vibrating with glee, demanding they get dressed to go outside and play in it promptly at 7am. Like Cassian, I told them to eat something first, and then I’d dig out the rest of the winter gear from storage.
Winter Mindstilling was just released yesterday, and I am swooning over it. Seems it was released just in time for winter to fully hit the Mitten.
It is supposed to warm up to 40 this afternoon, but we’re supposed to be surrounded by snow flurries all day. My best friend is coming over today and we’re going to feast on pork belly from last season’s harvest on my farm, and make little Winter Gnome decorations for each other’s homes out of socks and rice. It sounds ridiculous, but they’ll be super cute, I promise.
Before bestie comes over though, I’ve got to get Yrsa outside for our walk, and get my stretches in. The quick change in weather has my joints screaming at me today, and my muscles are stiff. I need to spend time on my mat and wiggle around, loosen up. Sometimes days like this just require a really hot shower to get my bones away from aching.