Day 63: Quick Core & MOTUS Drills
Alright it’s finally hit me, I am tired and super sore. I’ve doubled down my workouts the last two days to “catch up,” and the tired has caught up to me. The barking ache in my quads from yesterday’s workout has me scowling and remembering those blasted wall sits at the end.
I’m grateful at least that today’s main workout is a 15 minute core workout. Core workouts aren’t ever cardio based, there’s nothing exceptionally difficult about them while we do the work. They do catch up to you as the day progresses, but for the most part these shorter core days are kind of a “slow down,” day to help us finish out the week strong and with a good mindset.
And even though I’m tired, I’m nothing if not ambitious and determined, so I’m tacking on some MOTUS drills too. I’ve mentioned them before, MOTUS drills being somewhat like Karate Katas, they’re a slowed down, intentional set of movements that mimic our boxing drills and moves, MOTUS drills are practiced to help smooth and coordinate those movements into a sharp edged flow. Not like yoga, more like a sharper Tai Chi; and practicing MOTUS drills regularly will help get those combination moves into a smoother muscle memory. The goal of MOTUS drills is to perfect those moves, to make them as familiar as breathing, so that if the time ever comes for you to need them, you’re prepared.
I also really love feeling like an absolute Baddie, and perfecting those Boxing Moves does exactly that, so why not.
Speaking of feeling like an absolute Baddie, I haven’t had the chance to show off my new toy! My bestie has been crowing for days about my Yule gift arriving this week and that she can’t contain herself about it. She showed up at my door a few days ago, positively wiggling with joy and excitement and a huge grin on her face, my Yule gift in hand, ready to hand it over early because she simply could not wait.
What was my gift, you ask? A SWORD. SHE GOT ME A SWORD! A sword for practicing sword drills in the next chapter of Valkyrie Squad. It’s not metal, it’s plastic and lightweight enough that I’m not going to sprain my wrist trying to swing it around. AND IT LOOKS COMPLETELY BADASS. I’ve swung it around and spun it in my hand a few times and the confidence that rolls through me is like a fire under my skin. Bestie has a matching one too, so we can practice together.

I don’t know what this pose is
Before I go off on a tangent about swords and sword fighting, and being excited about it all, I need to settle down and do my Mindstilling. Yesterday I utilized Mindstilling to help me get through some really stressful goof ups that occurred during my Subscription Launch yesterday afternoon and it really changed the tune. Nothing was going to plan, and I was late, and I couldn’t figure out what the heck was going wrong. It had just finished raining outside so there were tons of puddles ripe for stomping. I grabbed my headphones and picked out a Mindstilling audio and went puddle jumping. Best stress relief I’ve found to date. Mindstilling really has been a shift point for me, and has helped me process everything from deep rooted feelings, daily stress, self esteem and self sabotage, it’s changed the game. Approaching the mental health load that is often present in people starting a new workout or just trying to get active again, is truthfully something I’ve never experienced before, and it’s been paramount in my journey. A Vital puzzle piece. I’m not great at making sure it happens every day, but the ripple effect Mindstilling has had on my life can be felt every day regardless.
“They trained their minds to be weapons as sharp as any blade. To be able to keep their composure, to know how to access that place of calm in the midst of battle, made them unshakeable opponents.”
page 397, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas
I want to be unshakeable, and while a good deal of that does start in the mind, it also begins in the core, so let’s get to work.
Today’s core work is more kickboxing conditioning, so we’re doing a lot of moves that target smaller buddy muscles along with those bigger muscle groups. As per usual, I saw the 15 minute marker and was excited for the “easier workout day,” and was promptly proved wrong halfway through the video.
Easier is not the word I would use to describe it. The mobility was greatly appreciated, but the kick throughs, side plank crunches, bicycles, and more planks were less than desirable. My favorite move was the Step Back Lunge to Kick, those were fun, and not exhausting. The Side Planks with the topside Crunch, were my least favorite. Even the Bicycles with the Leg extension Kick thingy weren’t as bad as those buggers.
I looked a sight when I finished my workout, my hair was all goofy and my face shiny with sweat. So much for easy, but I definitely felt good afterwards, sore as I am. I always feel better after working out, even if I’m whining the entire time.
I only got some of MOTUS done this morning, but they left enough room for improvement that I’ll probably be spending all my kitchen time smoothing those out while I’m making dinner or something. I hope my family is prepared for me to be shuffling, boxing, and kicking my way around the house.
I gotta go walk Yrsa, and then I’m spending the rest of my day editing recipes and photos for the first Subscription release tomorrow!