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Day 60: Back in Action, Valkyrie Yoga & Blade Day 11

Mia Garlock

After five rest days, taking care of my children and my husband and desperately doing everything I can to avoid catching this cold myself, I am back at 100 today and ready to get back to it. I’ve done a lot of sitting with my kids, and reading, and taking remedies, but not much in the way of movement, so let’s fix that.

Daylight savings time is kicking my whole patootie, so while I did wake up at 5am to send my husbeard off to work, I promptly took my sleepy butt back to bed as soon as his feet were out the door. My son woke up about 10 minutes after that from a bad dream, and we snuggled up and conked out for a few more hours.

After some hot tea, and wrangling my hair into a knot on top of my head, it was time to sink into some deep stretches. I got out my headphones and pressed play on Valkyrie Yoga 2. After so much sitting and snuggling with my kids and not walking or doing much other than caring for my family for a whole week, I know that I need to prepare myself a little for Blade Day 11 before I dive into it. The last thing I want to do, is start working out hard and hurt myself.

Valkyrie Yoga 2 continues to be my favorite one. The combination of restorative and challenging stretches both wakes up my muscles, eases so much tension, and really works on my hips and my balance. I am so glad that I made sure to do this before I moved onto the actual workout, I was sleepy and stiff when I first hit the mat, and by the end of it I was awake and energetic.

Blade Day 11 is a combination of total body moves and boxing drills, a combo I’ve come to love for the energy it gives me and how totally amazing I feel afterwards. Like I’m strong, a force to be reckoned with, and that feeling makes me feel powerful, beautiful, worthy. I know that worth shouldn’t be a factor, but it makes me feel like maybe I am worthy of great things.

Once we got our warm up out of the way, we got right into throwing elbows and punches together. I may or may not have punched myself in the side of my head throwing some elbows to the sky. I blamed my headphones in the moment, but I’m sure my lack of coordination had something to do with it.

After doing a couple combinations, we moved into some weighted exercises, and went back and forth between those and boxing drills for three rounds. We did have some rest periods in between all those moves, but they were active, meaning we did squats or planks to fill the time. And as always, as we finished up those drills and exercises, I felt amazing.

I’m so proud of myself today, because I was down for 5 days taking care of the kids and resting to keep myself from getting sick myself, and today I was able to leap right into where I left off without any struggles or issues. I landed every blow, synced up my feet with my fists and my breath, and I landed a few of those elbow drives too, just not the first couple(I laughed at myself every time). Sweaty and with a cramp in my left side ribs, I finished up Blade Day 11 with a smile.

The sun is shining and Yrsa desperately needs her walk, so off we go.


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