Day 59: To Sweat, or not to Sweat
Last night at around 7:30pm, I wrapped myself in pajamas and took myself to bed. I was so tired and worn down, and the kids were all snuggled up in their own blankets and beds, taking it easy, so I hunkered down to rest too. I’ve not had any symptoms of cold yet, aside from some headaches here and there, but that could also be due to the stress of not sleeping and caring for everyone.
My husband is well, and after spending two days at home with me to help me get the kids better, he went back in to work for a day to get some things done. Tomorrow will be the weekend, and hopefully we can get these kids back to healthy. My oldest daughter seems to have got the worst of this cold, as it’s now moved into her chest and sinuses. Covid test is negative, she’s just got my lungs, which is where all colds end up wanting to linger, my poor girl. She was up before I was, and I made her a honey lemon chamomile tea, in the hopes it would soothe her throat and help send her back to sleep for a few hours.
The question remains, as I sit here in the dark, if I should get Day 11 Blade done, or if I should hold out another day. I slept hard last night, only waking once or twice, as my kids slept hard through their sicknesses and got true, healing, restful sleep. I feel far better, much more rested, and awake, my body awake after taking a rest day yesterday from my sheer exhaustion. So the question is, Do I Sweat it out? Do I push my body? or Give it another day?
As awake as I am, a small part of me is hesitant to try and work out just yet. With the threat of cold resting in each room of the house, and being barely recovered from a few days of no sleep at all, I’m not feeling very confident about it. I feel like it would be pushing myself too soon, and result in a workout done with half the vigor I typically aim at it, poor form and potentially a less than stellar head space about it all.
I think the wisest choice for me at the moment would be to wait one more day at least. To give myself one more day to rest and focus on my children, and then swap my weekend rest days with the two work out days I’ve had to delay due to this cootie infestation. I’m going to stay focused on being well hydrated, and drinking all the immune boosting tonics, juices, and teas. Take care of my kids, and focus on survival. Sometimes, when it comes down to it, I have to remind myself that I’m not a machine, or High Fae, or other supernatural creature from another realm, and I do require more than a few moments of rest in order to function. How silly.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on
If I do any activity at all, it will be a quick walk for Yrsa, or some light yoga in the sunshine later today. My focus is healing and surviving, and sometimes that means taking it easy, as much as I dislike sitting still.
Off to make the most of the tea and cozy vibes, hopefully today will be the last rest day I need this week.