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Day 57: Delayed, Not Cancelled

Mia Garlock

Yesterday morning my youngest girl child started off with the sniffles and a clear runny nose, but by dinner time that nose was stuffy and still running and my baby had a low grade fever. I knew immediately that today’s 5am schedule would be compromised.

Call it Mother’s Intuition, or just knowing how a cold works, but I wasn’t wrong. All night I was on high alert to her sniffling, coughing, and small cries of discomfort and frustration because she was so tired but couldn’t seem to get good rest. So up and down, up and down, tissues, rocking, up and down, up and down, almost every hour, and sometimes between that, I was taking care of my girl. Needless to say, when the alarm went off at 5:00am I was a wreck. I went back to bed, sleeping upright in the recliner with my three year old on my chest.

It’s times like this though that I am grateful for my knowledge of homemade foods.

Chicken Bone Broth

Yesterday at 8am I got started on a big pot of Bone Broth, that I let simmer all day and overnight. Bone broth is one of those essential foods when you’re sick, it’s nutrient dense contents the perfect solution to a cold. High in minerals needed for optimum gut health and immune boosting benefits, it’s the first line of defense I use when we start dropping like flies. Today every one of us started off with a hot cup of bone broth to sip on, followed by some Apple Cider Vinegar tonic with local honey, and some ginger and pineapple based green juice. Loaded up on fluids and tucked in tight to blankets for the day, I’m hoping we can kick this quickly.

I am still determined to get today’s workout in, even though my littlest is under the weather and I’m still feeling rather tired. Today is Blade Day 10, a 15 minute Core Workout, which I’m sure will be harder than I anticipate, but given that it’s short, I know I can knock it out easily and keep myself on track.

After confessing my sheer lack of coordination yesterday, Sam asked me to look into the Motus Video in the Form Section of Blade, and see how I feel about it. I didn’t get to put it into practice yesterday, but I watched it, and I know it’s the answer to my lack of grace. Motus is similar to Karate Katas, or form drills, which is essentially a slowed down version of the boxing drills, where you practice and learn how to smooth out those combinations and footwork together, aligning them with your breath. The precision that I see Sam doing these with is inspiring, each movement is a slice with her fists, elbows, and her feet work in unison with her arms. There’s some rumors about her getting into fights when she was younger, and watching her move through Motus lets me know she’s not all talk,

the woman knows how to be a weapon.

It’s so great to know that your instructor is skilled, that she’s been through all this training herself and trains herself constantly to be strong. Never once has Sam made it a point to share this program as a weight loss fix it, or advertised about how much you’ll lose. It’s always been about strength of body and mind, of finding stillness in your own fire.

Once I got everyone settled in with blankets and warm jammies for the day, I stepped outside into the sunshine for my core workout. It’s supposed to be somewhere around 65F today and the sky is blue blue blue. It’s nice to have a break from the soggy Bog of Oorid that surrounded me the last two days. When the air is wet like that, it makes every movement feel really slow, because the air is so heavy and wet.

Fifteen minutes may go by quick, but I was burning all through my middle by the end of it. I didn’t get the chance to get Motus in right after, but I may still try it out later in my kitchen while I’m making everyone Chicken Soup with the copious amounts of bone broth I’ve made. I have a feeling that this workout is going to build up as the day wears on, that I’ll slowly succumb to the need to stretch or lay out on my mat because being upright will be too hard. Thats how those quick core workouts are, I’ve learned, that they may not be hard while I’m doing them, but they sure do creep up on me.

Eventually I’ll take Yrsa for a walk too. I say eventually because it’s in the plan, but it might be short today with all the things I have to do. Eleven years of motherhood has taught me that when one gets sick, it’s only a matter of time before everyone else starts dropping like flies, and being Mom, I’m the healer and the solider, and I have to keep it going.


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