Day 54: Stretch, Mindstilling, and Go for a Walk
Yesterday ended up being Get Shit Done Saturday, I was feeling super productive and got a ton of things done. I cleaned up the bedroom, washed the bedding, vacuumed the floor, stored summer items in the shed for next year, and meal prepped. I got breakfast made for a few days, trying out some new combinations for my Overnight Oats recipe, adding raw cacao and cacao nibs to one jar loaded with seeds and bananas. Another version contained apple butter from my canning extravaganza a month ago, and it was my selection this morning, perfect. I also made myself some crispy chickpeas in the oven, to top salads and wraps and for the random snack need that always seems to hit at around 3:00pm.
It’s the day before Halloween, and my kids are climbing the walls. Everyone is super excited to get dressed up, two of my kids have settled on being pirates, and late last night we built our own swords out of foam and some shiny duct tape. Promptly at 7:30am today they were all out in the living room, climbing over the furniture and jumping at each other with their foam swords, in full attack mode. Yes I joined them, how could I not?
It’s not so chilly this morning, so I went outside to do some Valkyrie Yoga on the porch, the mild cool air was refreshing and helped me wake up. Mindstilling done while I went through some of my favorite moves, centering my breath and filling my body with that steady calm focus. I found myself able to achieve deeper stretches, longer holds, and root my feet into the mat firmly for some balance poses that have always challenged me. Birds singing their busy songs, fluffing their nests and stocking up on seeds before it gets any colder.
I’ll take Yrsa for her walk in just a few, the sword fighting has her ramped up and ready to fight with everyone, and as entertaining as it is, watching her chase my Pirate Offspring all over the house, I know she will eventually go crazy with energy, so a walk is a necessity.
There are happenings afoot on the creativity front too, I’ve been developing some really awesome new things to offer on this blog, keyword Subscription. I’m not ready to release the details of that yet, as I have some things I need to iron the wrinkles out of a little bit first. So many surprises! There’s some Valkyrie Secrets I can’t share, some projects I’m working on independently, recipes, and a potential for some Giveaways coming soon too! I can’t wait to share all the ideas I’ve come up with, so I’ll be sure to let everyone know soon!

Photo by Dagmara Dombrovska on