Day 35: Mindstilling, More Yoga, and a Long Walk
The gentle colors of sunrise came filtering through my windows this morning and woke me, I had forgotten to close the curtain at bedtime last night. No matter, anytime I try to sleep in I am usually woken up by my body around 6 repeatedly, because I’ve been getting up at 5am for a while now. My natural clock wants me up at dawn now, because that’s when we feed my brain those endorphins. If you’ve seen any of my Tiktoks, you’ll notice that I love watching the colors splash across the sky at sunrise anyway, so it’s not like waking early and alone on Sunday upset me.
Only alone temporarily, soon after I made my tea, my youngest came thumping out of the bedroom to find me in the kitchen. She’s been my early bird since she was born, waking me at 4:15a to leave my body, and ever since then she’s been up early every day. It is considered sleeping in when Kellan isn’t awake by 7am. We had some avocado sourdough toast together and we did some gentle yoga together, after which she announced “I’m going to be strong like you Mommy.” Always going straight for my heart strings, that one.
Having done some quick toddler friendly Yoga already and being full of hot tea, I think I’m ready to go for that walk Yrsa is grumbling about. I also think a longer walk is in order today, maybe 8 or even 10 laps around the neighborhood, just for the fresh air.
Once we get back though, then it’s time to bake cupcakes and run to the store to prepare for my son’s party and his friends coming by to visit. The sun is supposed to come out today and maybe I can toss every one out once they’ve had cupcakes and they can run wild in the yard and the leaves.

Photo by Tomas Anunziata on