Day 20: Beloved Steps & Stretches
This week was so long, or at least it felt like it took a million years to get here. Probably something to do with swapping out that Wednesday rest day with Strength Training. I slept in gloriously until 7:15a, and when I woke it was cold and wet outside, and I had a small headache. Probably because the caffeine was delayed a few hours. Hot tea, come here.

Photo by John-Mark Smith on
Weekends are thankfully still reserved for getting in those steps and stretching my sore muscles, and Mindstilling. I have one hundred percent been waiting for this all week, the intensity of the third week of Valkyrie Squad really beat me up. I loved it, but I’m exhausted.
Grateful for the sleep in, and looking forward to Yoga and getting in my steps after I wake up a bit more. Hopefully it’s not soggy all day today and we can walk without being rained on. If not, there’s this stuff called Rain Gear so I can still get in my steps. Maybe without Yrsa though, because she’s a floofy fluff butt and when she gets soggy, she is soggy. She also hates the hair dryer, and she will never wear rain gear, so we avoid long walks in the rain with that fur ball.
The intention I have, after I finish my tea, is to get into Valkyrie Yoga 1, and maybe 2. I remember that Valkyrie Yoga 2 has a lot of inner thigh stretches and shoulder openers and I desperately desire such a thing after all the shoulder work and weighted lunges this week. I’m sitting here thinking about those medieval torture devices where they lay you out and twist the crank, and pull at all your limbs. Like that doesn’t sound torturous right now, that sounds fantastic. Being so sore does weird things to your thoughts sometimes.
Hopefully once I’m all limbered up and caffeinated, it wont be rainy and Yrsa and I can take on those 6k steps. I’ve only exceeded those 6k steps once, and that was at the Orchard when we went apple picking. All other times, I’ve only made it to 5.8k steps, which is close… but still not the whole tamale. I’m tired but determined, and I really want to get to 6k steps today. Speaking of that Orchard… I am STILL PROCESSING APPLES. I’ve been cooking them down and canning them all friggin week, and I am down to the last batch, finally. So maybe with all the walking back and forth across the kitchen I will be able to hit a solid 6k.
The farm has an abundance of renegade pumpkins growing right now, and a good amount of them are ready to pluck from the vines. So either tonight or tomorrow we will be going out there to grab them up. I’ve got a delicious Pumpkin Soup Recipe to share with you guys. I made some yesterday for my best friend when she came to visit for lunch, and she would not go home without the recipe, and told me repeatedly that it was too delicious not to share with everyone else too. Since it’s officially Fall, I think she’s right. Keep your eyes peeled for all those recipes I’ve been promising this week, I keep forgetting to buy oatmeal for the Apple Breakfast Bars, I’ll be remedying that later today too. I suppose you should expect a flood of autumnal recipes this weekend!
The caffeine is starting to kick in, and now everyone is demanding breakfast, including me.