Dawn Court Workout
Happy Imbolc!
Most people have no idea what the hell that is, so let me give you the run down real quick. Imbolc, also known as Brigid’s Day, is an ancient Celtic Fire Festival, that celebrates the halfway mark between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is the historical reference point for spring cleaning, for blessing seeds to be planted in spring, and in general- lighting the fire under your ass for all the spring prep chores. People today will wash their windows, doors, sweep the floors, and begin their spring purges, or feel the urge to tidy up all those cramped and cluttered corners of their homes and lives.

Photo by Leeloo Thefirst on Pexels.com
Since the Micro Squad released the Dawn Court Workout at midnight, I decided that it was the perfect workout for today. A quick, and hilarious, 20 minute workout with Sam and her sister Becca, the jokes never stopped flowing. I love when they pair up to create these court themed videos, because the innuendo is thicc, and the jokes are so gods damned funny that it was hard to do some of the moves without falling apart on the mat. Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt or distract, but like… breathing steadily is a little tricky.
The Dawn Court Workout was very core and glute focused, which I really appreciated, because my right shoulder is still a bit weird. I need to spend some time with my foam roller and torture the tension out of the muscles in my arm and shoulder blade, and I’m really not excited about doing it. Just pressing my fingers into the middle of my right arm freaking sucks, so the thought of leaning into my bumpy foam roller and wigglying it around is really not an enjoyable concept. I’m going to have to though, because nothing else I’ve done has helped the discomfort in my arm and it makes push ups and other arm and shoulder focused workouts miserable.
The first few minutes of Dawn Court were Sun Salutations, we did three in a row, and I really felt the tension in my body from so many days of resting. It was a great way to start the workout and get my body to wake tf up and get my heart rate up. We did a few different lunge variations with weights, some Wing Fly’s (those were uncomfy), and Reverse Hyberns, some squat reaches, crunches, metronome legs, and finished it off with some child’s pose based stretches. All in all, it was a great workout and I loved the extra ab workout from all the laughs. It definitely set me off in a good mood for the day.
It felt really good to be active again today. I tried a few times last week to get into it and I just couldn’t. I was so run down and tired. I really think that my late period, the constant cramps, shitty mood, all the things, have been a result of me being stressed tf out. I’ve had so much going on and leading up to the last few days been working on so many projects, and I think it just finally caught up with me and I was running on E. I’m not pregnant, I’ve peed on a pregnancy test every day for the last week and every single one has been negative, and there have been no unauthorized or authorized deposits into the baby center, so like, it’s impossible. It’s literally just my uterus being a shit, and drowning in stress, and seasonal depression. So I’m going to carry on with my Valkyrie Training and hit the mat every day like I had been. It’s the best way to regulate my nervous system and give myself a routine that makes me feel good about myself, so that’s the plan.
The Sword and the Ribbon Podcast launched yesterday! It’s now streaming on all the platforms, google, spotify, apple, all of it. The first 3 episodes were released, including my interview, in Episode 3, where I discuss the Origins of the Valkyrie and how badly we need that “alternative” warrior archetype, how SJM correlated history to the Valkyries in ACOSF, and why we love them so so much. So many people have listened in already, and I hope you do too! We have new podcast material coming too, and are already working on writing the next few episodes, so I really hope everyone gives a listen! We worked so hard for months to bring this to you guys, it’s a source of pride for all of us.
The Sky is on fire this morning with orange and yellow, the perfect Imbolc blessing, and reminder that the snow will be gone soon, and spring will begin. It’s still cold af outside though, but I’ll try and get outside with Yrsa so we can enjoy some fresh air and she can get out of everyone’s face. It was only 14 degrees outside yesterday, it’s 21 degrees now, which is still pretty damn cold. I’m gonna try and bundle up to get out there though, she and I both need it.
On the Crescent City front… since we know I was devouring it all last weekend…. I finished book 2 yesterday. I’m still reeling. I want to reread my favorite parts and be mad all over again. But also, I have shit to do. So that will have to wait. I have emotions about it. Thoughts. Questions. None of which will be answered until book 3 comes out WHENEVER, and of course I’m mad that I have to wait for it to be published. I blame Sam, she insisted I read the books right now, immediately, and so I have and now I’m waiting eternally for the next book. Damnit.
Anyway I have like 40 minutes until the kids get up for the day, so I’m going to study while I can.
#Training #AtHomeWorkout #ValkyrieinTraining #DawnCourt #ValkyrieLifestyle #Workout #ACOSF #Lunges #CrescentCity #ACOTAR #Stressed #Walking #Child039sPose #Brigid039sDay #Yoga #TheSwordampTheRibbonPodcast #TheSwordampTheRibbon #OnlineGym #Celtic #Valkyrie #SunSalutations #ValkyrieSquad #Imbolc #TheMicroSquad #SquatReach #MomFit #SJMUniverse