Back on My Bull
Yesterday may have started out awful, and really triggering, but as the day wore on things got better and I got my head back into a healthy place.
My best friend came to visit me yesterday afternoon and we had a delicious curry for lunch and I started telling her more details about The Micro Squad and Valkyrie Squad, and what I’ve been doing, and she smiled at me and said “You found it again, passion. Your energy is different, your smile is genuine, you’re not hiding anything under it.” She’s been such a huge cheerleader for me since I had the idea for this blog, and every time she sees me she takes a minute to tell me how great I look, how wonderful it is to see me happy and flourishing. It’s support like that, that helped me get out of that negative space I was stuck in.
I woke up energized and sore, so sore, from the workouts this week, and yet still so very ready to hit the mat and get going. This feeling is still new to me, I’m used to hating the notion of sweating it out on the mat, I’m used to fighting myself to get it out and get to it. But this new version of me that Loves the sweat, Loves the work, and revels in the soreness because it means I did a great job- all of that is new to me, and I find myself thriving in it. Once upon a couple months ago, a day like yesterday would have derailed me entirely from my plan. Today I’m straight up excited to get started.
So lets get to it.
Breath Work– same as before, 6 second inhale, hold, 6 second exhale, 3 times. Smooth and slow, and full of oxygen. Then pull it down, 6 seconds in, hold, 6 seconds out- pulling that air into the depths of the diaphragm. *If you struggle to breath down while sitting up, lay on your back for breath work. Place a yoga block or your hand on your stomach, over your belly button. Breath in deeply, concentrating on expanding the stomach with the inhale. When we lay on our backs, diaphragm breathing becomes more natural. Stress causes us to breath with our chests, but the Belly Breath is the ideal.* Focus on feeling the breath in your body, feeling it wash through you and energize the body.
Yoga Flow– Sun Salutation at Dawn really is a game changer. Maybe it’s watching the clouds change colors, maybe it’s the deep breathing, but something about starting flow in the dark, and ending it in early morning light is so… right. It just is.
Inner Core– Yes, I’m still doing this. Every day. I’m sure you’re tired of me explaining it out and detailing each move, because they’re not new. I will say though, that I’ve expanded it. This isn’t just the inner core circuit, I’ve kind of mashed up the Core Activation with the circuit Sam sent me that targets the weaker, small muscle groups that are hindering my form and my balance. It feels right that I do both every morning in practice. So it looks kind of like this:
Boosted Bridge– blocks under the heels, hips thrust forward and in the air, crunch the ribs down and slowly, slowly lower each vertebra of the spine down until the hips are on the ground again. Rep for 10.
Boosted Toe Taps– blocks under the hips, knees bent and legs in the air, so the calves are parallel with the ground, lower the toes one leg at a time, while keeping that 90 degree bend in the leg. Focus on pulling the belly button into the spine to activate that lower core and those hip flexors. Rep for 10 on each side.
Down Dog to Knee Float– Moving into table-top position and then to downward dog, stretch it out for a breath or two, and then move forward, so the shoulders are directly over the hands, and drop the knees to float over the floor. Make sure you’re not rounding your back. Rep for 10.
Crunch to Kick Back– Table top position, hands directly under the shoulders and knees directly under the hips. Pick a leg, and drive your knee into your chest, then kick that leg straight back behind you. Pay attention to how your hips hinge, if you extend the range of motion in a big way, try and tone it down- keep your hips squared, so they aren’t arching up into your back. Smaller range, means the smaller muscles are activated, and that’s what we want. 10 reps on each side.
Inner Thigh Lift– Lay on your side with your hips stacked, cross the top leg over the bottom and plant the foot in the ground, while the bottom leg is straight and toes are pointed. Lift the bottom leg, making sure to keep the leg straight and tight. Rep for 10 and switch sides.
Curl to Kick Plank– get into table-top position again, and get down on your forearms. Make sure your knees are directly under your hips. Pick a leg to start on, and keeping the foot flexed, and the knee bent, kick your leg back so the sole of your foot is toward the sky, press up and hold, engaging the glute, then release and straighten the leg, and bring it back under your hip. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 10 and switch sides.
I did a few more moves to get myself nice and sweaty and then collapsed onto the mat feeling well worked.
I haven’t had a rest day since last week, and I don’t want to give myself burn out, so tomorrow I will be “resting, actively.” I would’ve taken one today, but I didn’t want yesterday’s rough emotional start to tarnish today’s mood.
Cool Down Walk with Yrsa, only 1 mile today. I swear the side eye she gave me when we rounded our 4th lap was like “you better let me go home, we’re not doing 4 more again today.” As if she couldn’t handle it. HA! She’ll be barking at me relentlessly this afternoon when it’s 85, demanding another go. Rude.

Thanks for ending our walk kisses