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August 29: Standing Core

Mia Garlock

Today’s workout was delayed a bit by a gnarly storm, and instead of working in the dark, I was drowning in the humid air outside from the storms and late summer heat. Imagine working out in a sauna and you’re pretty close to what I did this morning. I just imagine that this is what it’s like to train in Illyrian Fighting Leathers.

Sam posted this sneak peak core workout yesterday and I used it this morning, after I did my now routine deep core work, breathing, and yoga.

Standing Oblique Crunch– Holding a weight in each hand; I used two small laundry jugs filled with sand: 5lbs each, Raise one arm over head and hold the other weight at shoulder level on the other side. The raised arm stays high, and on that same side, raise the knee into the side ribs while simultaneously crunching down with the weighted arm, dropping the elbow to meet the knee. Thats 1 rep. Alternate sides and rep it out for 10 counts on each side.

Squat to Twist– Weights still in hand, keeping them at the shoulders. Squat down and when you stand, twist and drop your elbow from one side, to cross over your body and meet with the knee from the opposite leg. Alternate sides for a count of 10 on each side.

Standing marches– Raise one weighted hand fully extended overhead, and starting with the opposite leg, begin marching, lifting the knee to the chest. Go slow, keep the core engaged, and mind your balance. rep it out for 10 and then switch sides and repeat.

Do these moves 3 times and consider crying from the burn.

I definitely needed some side stretches after these, I had some legit cramps going through my obliques and hips by the end! But getting these done, I can just imagine how positively snatched my waist is going to get, and how accurate my punches will be if I do these consistently. Just add this circuit to my list of favorite moves. Speaking of which, I should probably create a page for that, yeah? My favorite Valkyrie Squad moves to get me into the badass I wanna be? I think I should. Although the more I do all of these moves that Sam teaches me, the more I love all of them. Even Helion’s Power Thighs workout, which is so hard it makes me second guess myself every time I try it.

Yrsa didn’t even want to walk today, its so humid. We made it 1 lap and she was dragging me back up the porch steps for some water and would not budge from the door. I imagine the 110% Humidity is even worse when your whole body is covered in long thick floof.


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