August 25: Core Meltdown
Today’s workout has my core muscles so sore, I just finished it about 20 minutes ago and I still feel like I just finished the last round.
I’m still doing the workout that Sam sent me from her youtube channel, in fact I’ve done it every day since she sent it to me. I know my hips are still super tight and my pelvic tilt will be a perpetual problem unless I stay consistent with it, and I don’t want to hurt my back again. I’ve hurt it so many times over the years by not addressing the root of the problem, and I’m ready for that particular painful trend to be over with.
Sam also posted on TikTok yesterday, a core workout sample from the Novice and Blade portion of Valkyrie Squad, so those were the drills I did this morning after the deep core work I started with. Oh boy.
There wasn’t a part of her body that wasn’t sliding with sweat, wasn’t one part that wasn’t shaking as he bade her lie down on a black mat at the far end of the ring. “Cooldown,” he said, kneeling and patting the mat. She was too tired to object, practically flinging herself onto it and staring at the sky. Page 141, A Court of Silver Flame
And thats exactly how it happened this morning. I finished the deep core work and the sample Full Body workout from Valkyrie Squad and promptly flopped down with as much grace as a walrus, onto my mat. My husband glanced at me as I readied to walk Yrsa and he was impressed with how sweaty I was! “A good one, huh?” Yes. Yes indeed.
All the moves we did today were combo moves. Everything hurts. We did lunges with shoulder presses, Squats and flag presses, and a lunge twist thing that took the wind out of me. The workout wasn't long at all, we did basically three moves. But the combinations were such an ass kicking that it didn't need to be long to kick my ass.
I did a cool down walk after I managed to scoop myself off the mat, I was still dripping sweat when we finished our walk. Did you know sweat BURNS when it gets in your eye? The Worst. I gotta remember to use a headband.