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August 24: Full Body Sore

Mia Garlock

Man, yesterday was so busy! I feel like I got up, got my work out in and the rest of the day passed by in a total blur. I spent the day focusing heavily on posture correction, mostly with my hips and shoulders, and LET ME TELL YOU, I can feel it today. My lower abdominals are sore and feel tired today, and it just makes me that much more excited for getting a real workout in. I complain a lot about being sore, I’m really great at whining about it, just ask my husband- but the truth of it, is that I have come to love that feeling. I love the tired and sore feeling of well used muscles. I just can’t wait to be able to see them! Soon, I tell myself, soon. And then I hit the mat.

I decided to go back to the first workout I ever tried on because it so thoroughly kicked my butt, and I wanted another go at it. That full body sweat and sore that sticks with you for a day or two- that’s what I wanted this morning. I was not disappointed. Go on and click the link, get into Geek Gym, and click on Cursebreaker, now go get your own butt kicked!

I’ll share some of the drills here so you can get an idea…

CurseBreaker Workout:

We started with some low lunges to warm up our hips, before moving into some MIddengard Wyrm walk outs, and a variety of squats.

And then more planks. Ew.

There were so many more to go after this, and believe me I was melting afterwards!

Yesterday was Sticker Day too, and I added a 4th sticker to my water bottle to acknowledge my 4 weeks of dedication to working out, staying hydrated, and documenting it. I’m also feeling so damn proud of myself, because I had multiple rest days and not one of them stopped me from getting back at it again asap. Old Mia would have quit after 2 rest days and an injury. New Mia, doesn’t do that.

Just Keep Trying

I also got the GREATEST compliment from a tiktoker yesterday, when I told her about my blog and my recipes that remind me of Velaris and the way the food was described, and she tagged a friend saying “I found Emery!” The way I SWOONED! It really did make my entire day. I hope she takes a peek here at what I’m doing, and finds some good recipes worth trying.

Literally the BEST

I’m starting to notice body changes. Like the area around my ribs where my bra band sits, is smaller. My jawline is ever so slightly less squishy, my shoulders a little less round, my knees are looking like knees. I have this one pair of underwear that just will not stay up anymore and every other step I find myself hiking them back up. I’ve not weighed myself or taken any measurements yet, I’ll do that the day that Valkyrie Squad launches so I have an official jumping point for the program. But I can tell, and I’ve started getting looks from people around me too, noticing the subtle differences but can’t quite tell what’s changed. I’m diggin’ it.

Any who, Yrsa and I went on another mile walk this morning and chugged a ton of water. Some of our walking was more like me dancing in the street because I just feel so good today, and I’m so proud of the work I’ve put in and the progress I’ve made already. I’m sure my neighbors think I’m crazy, oh well.


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