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August 21: I’m Hurt- Day 2

Mia Garlock

So after spending all day yesterday rolling around on the floor, doing gentle and restorative yoga and stretching, and a hot as hellfire Epsom salt bath before bed, my back finally loosened up and started feeling better.

Better, but still not 100. So I’m in for another rest day today. I REALLY don’t want to. I’m very frustrated that I can’t work out to the intensity that I have been. To lay it all bare- I’m afraid that taking two rest days will just derail my progress and I won’t get going again tomorrow. But the unfortunate reality, is that if I push my body before its really healed and ready to do that work, I could injure myself further, maybe even worse, and just extend my resting. Something I really REALLY don’t want at all.

So more yoga. More gentle core and balance activation. More Breath practice and Mind Stilling. More pain salves on my tender low back, and hot compresses to keep the tension away.

Times of Rest can be difficult, especially when it’s not a choice. When you choose to go on vacation it’s fun, when you have to stay home due to injury or sickness, its just frustrating. I hate to slow down my momentum, I’ve been feeling so great! But I’ve been hurt before, and understand the necessity of allowing time to heal.

I’ll spend the day being gentle with myself, drinking tons of water, eating nourishing healthy meals, and enjoying Sunday with my family. Its grey and rainy today too, so maybe some House Stew for dinner is in order.


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