August 17: A Court of Sweat and Sass
I had to mop myself off of my mat after this one. Holy Crap I got my butt handed to me! My thighs were on fire from the start and my shoulders and core are thoroughly sore already, even as I type this 20 minutes later.
This workout is not part of Valkyrie Squad, as it’s still a couple weeks away from launch, but I’m determined to get some base strength before we dive into it. I found this one in the Geek Gym list on The Micro Squad, and it’s name does not lie: A Court of Sweat and Sass. Sam and her sister were teasing each other and making cracks about Helion’s Powerful Thighs, Tamlin, Azriel, and Cassian the entire time- which had me laughing while I struggled through some of the plank exercises. Highly recommend this routine to get the day started in a good mood!
I’m only going to outline a few of the moves from the routine today because I really, really, want as many readers as possible to go check out The Micro Squad Gym and see for yourselves the variety of awesomeness available on the site.
This workout called for some weights that I don’t have, as well as some moves that I simply could not use a weight for because my muscles just aren’t there yet- but I still found the moves to be incredibly challenging without them, and this workout highly worth the sweat.
ankle weights, a set of 3lb weights or a medium weight resistance band, mat, and some grit.

Step Back Lunge to Knee Drive, I think Sam Called these Helion Lunges
Trove Swimming

Swimming for the Trove Mask
There were also 3 or 4 shoulder press and bicep curl moves that involved the weights I don’t have, so I focused on performing the moves the best I could without weights and I could feel them within just a few reps. Each move was done for about 1 to 2 minutes.
Stick a fork in me, because I’m done! I can’t tell if I’ve done flying lessons with Azriel or training with Cassian, but rest assured that my entire body got worked over pretty hard with this one. I added this workout to my favorites because if I can get that big of a butt kicking in 30 minutes, I know I’m coming back for it again.
I cooled down after this with a mile walk with my dog and almost a half gallon of water.