Aug 27: Balance, Stretching & Breath
“Is this really all we’ll be doing?” Nesta demanded the next morning in the training ring as she rose from what Cassian had called a curtsy-squat. “Balance and stretching?” Cassian crossed his arms. “So long as you keep having shit balance, yes.” “I don’t fall that often.” Only every few minutes…page 173 A Court of Silver Flames
Yeah, the same thing all the time does get a little boring. But like Nesta, my form leaves a lot of room for improvement, and in the words of Cassian, I have “shit balance,” so I’m doing more of, you guessed it: Core and Balance, and Breath.
When I do squats, I favor one leg over the other, and I can feel a tightness that wraps around my left hip to my glute. When I lunge, my left side is far weaker and I lose my balance 7/10 times. I can’t do a solid plank for more than 12 seconds, but I can do it without the knee drop modification. When I shadow box, my left jab never hits the same spot twice. My “airplane” pose makes me fall forward, every time. And so, every morning, I will do core and balance, and breath.

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on
“it’s all linked. Breathe and balance and movement. Bulky muscle like this”- he tapped that absurdly contoured stomach of his- “means shit when you don’t know how to utilize it.” “So how do you learn to control your breathing?” He smiled again, hazel eyes bright in the sun. “Like this.” Page 141 A Court of Silver Flames
Until my breath aligns with every move in a smooth synchronicity, I need to work on perfecting my form, and strengthening my diaphragm to be able to support the work I’m doing. Us Modern Humans suck at breathing, all chest and no core, leading us to breathe shallow breaths, minimizing the oxygen in our blood and starving our muscles. Getting my body to support a deep, full, oxygen loaded breath is key to being more efficient with my energy, my strength, and my form. All of that work, prevents injuries like the one I just had last weekend, prevents exhaustion, excessive soreness and long recovery times, it even boosts the immune system. I have nothing to gain but benefit, I just gotta stay consistent.
Last night as I bade my husband goodnight, he frowned and said “but it’s the weekend.” And for the first time in years, I simply nodded and said “And Progress is nothing without Consistency,” and I kissed his beardy face and went to bed, so I could wake up in the darkness of early morning and get to work.
I spent the first 15 minutes on my mat this morning breathing. I got myself into a seated position that supported my posture and began filling my lungs for 6 seconds, hold for 1, and then out slowly for another 6 seconds. Then I blocked one nostril and did it again, and alternated sides. I did 7 quick breaths in and out, followed by another series of 6 second inhale, 6 second exhale. Who needs caffeine when you can oxygenate your blood? I was awake, and ready.
I used my pretty new Yoga Blocks and elevated my hips, making sure I rolled them forward and pulled my belly button into my spine for some core work.
Next we went Trove Swimming– which I didn't think would be as hard as it was...
We finished up with some variation of down dog that involved floating knees and was absolute torment. My hip flexors and quads and low core were on fire the entire time, and my shoulders are toast after everything else we did today.

Photo by Dominykas on
Yoga Flow– The Sun was barely creeping over the horizon at this point so a Sun Salutation was a must. I moved slowly, intentionally, using my breath to guide my movements and holding through each pose before moving into the next with slow precision, thinking of each muscle group involved in each move and making sure they were all engaged and supported.

Night Court Yoga Blocks!
You could’ve wrung me out like a towel this morning, I was sweaty.
After a few minutes, I decided I was still very much alive, if not jello-limbed, and got Yrsa and off for our cooldown walk we went. Another mile down, a few bunnies chased off, and a terrified neighborhood cat later, I came home and drank half my weight in water and scrounged up some 2nd breakfast.
I’m genuinely so proud of myself. I got up at 5am on a Saturday, to work out. I’ve made so much progress in such a short amount of time. July Mia would not have done this. Would have scoffed and made a face at the idea. It’s the last few days of August now and I don’t know who that girl was, because I’m not her anymore. Did you read what I said to my husband last night?! “Progress is nothing without consistency.” I can’t believe those words came out of my own mouth, but I’m damn proud that they did.