Aug 20: Well Crap, I got hurt
If you read my backstory, I mentioned that I was in an accident years ago that lead to some nerve damage in my feet. Unfortunately for me, this means that my body is now a barometric pressure gauge, and anytime a storm front blows in, I am the first to know. I’m better than the weather man about predicting precipitation and clouds. So when I woke up this morning to grey skies and rain, I knew before I rolled out of bed that today would be slow moving.
I’m not overly sore from yesterday’s workout though, and I had every intention of moving my workout inside and doing the damn thing. Ironic then, that while I was getting ready and bent down to pick up a weight I was going to use- that I hurt my back. Ever since my first pregnancy my lower back has been weaker, and combined with inactivity, barely a whisper of lower abdominal strength to speak of, and being about 60lbs overweight, as I grabbed the weight and pulled- something in my lumbar decided today was the not the day.
I still hit my mat. Almost immediately in fact, I dragged it out and slowly crawled onto it for some stretching and rolling around to release the tension building with every move. I moved slowly and intentionally through several releasing poses meant to stretch my tight hamstrings, hips, and lower back. Forward fold was a delicate procedure. Downward dog required that I focus very exactly on my breath and how my muscles were engaged to prevent that stabbing pain from showing its face as I held and moved through the pose. After about 15 minutes of stretching and rolling and wallering on my mat to release my spine, I got into downward dog again, and spent a few minutes rocking back into my hips, then forward to hover my knees above the mat, and back again. I could feel the stretch, and the engage of the muscles in my core and my back, and I felt the area of hurt warming with the activity.
Sadly, today will not be another intense Valkyrie workout. Instead I will spend the day doing yoga on and off to keep my spine relaxed, mindful moves, intentional breath, slathering pain salves all over me, and hopefully a long hot soak in an Epsom salt bath, with some reading and Mind Stilling practice to round it out.