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Aug 14, Active Rest Day

Mia Garlock

Between the core and balance workout I did on Friday, and the Sword Arms Workout I did yesterday, today I feel like an overcooked noodle. I’m also hitting the final days before my cycle starts, and I’m feeling very Blah. I will not, be sitting my butt all day though, and thats why we call it an Active Rest Day.

I did sleep in a few hours, but as soon as I got up I grabbed my water bottle and drank about half of its 32oz contents, grabbed my mat, and did about 30 minutes of yoga. I did a slow sun salutation, some seated stretches and hip openers, and supine twists to loosen the tightness in my most sore spots. Finished off my water bottle, and got ready for the day.

Sticker from: Octostaschee on Etsy

Doing Yoga right away, helped wake up my mind and my body, filling capillaries with well oxygenated blood aka energy, to both get me moving and help heal the muscles after such intense workouts. Some positions required my sore body to hold tight while other areas stretched, and as I moved through them and reactivated my muscles I could feel how strong I’m going to be. I could already tell a difference, or maybe its just how hyped up I am about this, but I swear, I was grinning through my whole routine at 8am.

Doing yoga and stretching isn’t all I do on my active rest days though. I have an English Shepherd dog who is very much still a puppy and she needs to be walked endlessly. So after breakfast and tea, and more water, off we went for 4 laps around the neighborhood, which is roughly a mile of my dog, Yrsa (ear-suh) giving everyone’s driveway a good sniff-spection.

Sniff-spection #68849

I will likely walk my dog again this evening after dinner, and do some stretches here and there throughout the day for my arms and shoulders as they are my most sore spots. Active Rest Days are important, because the gentle activity helps facilitate blood flow to my sore muscles and aids in faster recovery, and it keeps my brain on track too- because I am still practicing conscious, intentional movement, and still adding to the habit of working out consistently. In the past, one rest day quickly turns into 2, or 3, and then I’ve fallen off the wagon and I feel defeated. I’m not doing that anymore.


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