An Incubus of Viral Plague
Not actual Plague, I've been tested.
But I officially have my first cold of Autumn, and it's barely September.
It happened last week, and I knew it had too. One of my coworkers came in sniffly and saying he felt awful, and even though I routinely wipe down every surface we all touch and share with disinfectant, wash my hands constantly, and use hand sanitizer between each and every customer... I knew I wasn't escaping this one.
Entering a new Germ Circle is sketchy af anyway. I'm just lucky it happened a full 6 weeks into my job and not immediately. It really says something about how great my diet has been and how clean we keep our workspace in that it's taken thousands of encounters with strangers, some of them resulting in hugs and even tears (who knew people get emotional in dispensaries?) before I finally caught a cootie.
So I'm laid tf up today, in my joggers and cardigan, fuzzy slippers and hot tea nearby. I've been on a steady diet of cough drops, tea, and water since yesterday. I feel like hell, but I've got chicken soup simmering and a hot shower calling my name.

Part of feeling like hell is the second day soreness from those Bulgarian Split Squats the day before yesterday! I opted for a walk and 30 minutes of yoga yesterday, because while I wasn't super sore, I didn't want to overdo it. I know that my body usually ramps up the soreness on day 2 after a workout, so I really didn't want to push it when I added a whole new move, let alone a drop set. May have been a bit ambitious starting out so hard, but I tend to lean towards Go Big or Go Home more often than not.
Here's hoping the hot shower helps the soup work its magic and I wake up 110% better tomorrow.