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9:45am Friday:
I'm just here, sitting the lobby, waiting on the job interview that is going to change my life.

I've been scouted and recruited by Exos gym, and I've been chatting with them for a few weeks now to get to this point. The recruiter messaged me multiple times over 2 months trying to get me on the phone. Two months of hunting me down because they want me for this job.
Exos Gym is an Elite training facility. In their Phoenix Arizona location they train Olympians. They train pro boxers, they train the athletes that we see on TV.
No pressure, right?
Post Interview:
Full body melt.
I hold a lot of stress and anxiety in my body over new things. The rest of the day Friday after the interview, I was in full CNS shut down and recovery mode. I was suddenly so exhausted, my limbs felt heavy and weak. We went on a Trader Joe's trip to stock up on gluten free things for the house, and then went back home.
Where I took a nap.
And ate a lot of the TJ's snacks we grabbed.
And napped a bit more.
The interview itself went really well. I left it feeling confident and positive about getting the job. My prospective boss was excited about my idea of a functional movement class to help teach people how to ease the various aches and pains we have from poor posture and sitting jobs.
He told me he had one more interview to do, and then he would call me by Wednesday to talk to me about the job offer. Not much I can do now except wait and try to remember my breathing exercises next time I'm so anxious so my body doesn't want to shut down so badly once it's over.
Today was my son's birthday! My sweet dude is 7. I made his cake, a Minecraft Axlotl.

He opened his gifts throughout the day and we spent all day hanging out together. I go back to work tomorrow, so we made the most of me being home and spent the whole day together.