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Additional Rest Needed

Mia Garlock

Yesterday, I remained in my pajamas until about 2pm. I didn’t stay in bed all day, but I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t spend most of the day returning to it for fifteen minutes or so here and there. I cat napped my way through the day and I am not ashamed.

The amount of work that we did for our friend was intense, spanned out over two, twelve hour days. And I am spent. My body aches with exhaustion. Every joint in my body is tired. My fingers hurt dude.

In this journey this past year I have really learned how to listen when my body is telling me something. I have really leaned into trusting the way that my body feels and combining it with all I’ve learned about the body this year as a personal trainer has been the best medicine for me. As tired as I am, I will still do mobility and foam roll because I know it will make my muscles and joints feel better and will improve my range of motion and decrease my discomfort and pain.

I’m going back to my friends house today to make sure that all the sheep we processed is packed away into the freezer and see if she needs anything else done right away. One last heave ho to make sure that she’s in a good space and feels like she’s got some control back in her life. I think we are also going to meal prep some easy grabs for the girls so they can just reach into the freezer and grab something ready for them to dig into, and then my friend doesn’t have to worry about what they’re eating or what mess they’re making in the kitchen while she nurses her newborn.

One of the plus sides to being so loungey yesterday is that I got a lot of website work in. I laid in bed and worked on articles about Post Partem healing, PCOS, Cortisol Regulation, EDS, and worked on my Primal Mobility program. I have all the templates and layouts made for the new Eat Like a Valkyrie section of the site, and I’m so stoked for it. There’s some low-key tavern vibes on those pages and they look so goooood! I’ve begun slowly moving my recipes over to the new site. It’s taking a lot of steps and it’s slightly annoying, but I also want everything to look and feel a certain way, so I’m taking my time making sure it’s all perfect!

Hopefully I’ll be able to launch by the end of the month/Nov 1st. Tentative launch date. It’s all coming together and it feels so incredible!


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