Active Rest & PMS
What a lovely combination. At least it rhymes.
I'm sore and moody and kind of bloated and my sleep has been weird. Probably because hormones are stupid. I don't know, I just know that for the last three nights, sleep has been elusive and I've been awake at unpleasant hours.
My luteal phase is so unkind. Not because of cramps or even bloating or moodiness, but because insomnia really comes and rears its ugly head into my life in the 14 days or so before my cycle starts. I'm not nice when I'm tired. I'm so not nice when I'm tired. It's why I have a bedtime boundary in place, so that I can get enough sleep to not be an asshole the next morning.
Almost every month though, roughly 12-14 days before my cycle starts, I lose sleep. At least until Day 1 of my cycle, then I'll sleep like a log.
Today is all about Mindstilling, Stretching, and Foam Rolling. I don't actually want to do any of them but I will because I know it's what I need. I need the breathwork from Mindstilling. I need the tension release from the stretches and the foam rolling.
I need breakfast.
Michigan is still trapped in this random cold front after that groundhog told us Spring had Sprung. It's annoying in that I already started getting my lighter clothes out for the warmer weather, just to have to bundle up again.
I'm ready for Spring, so long as it doesn't involve a visit from Timtam.