Active Rest: Hip Mobility
It started to rain late last night and kept it up allll day long. I slept hard, and woke up feeling stiff with creaky hips.
So I decided that even though I just had 3 rest days, I would spend today focusing on mobility and just working on getting my steps in with my errands. I got in 8k steps by dinner time.
I made sure to keep well Hydrated and well fed all day. Just because I'm resting doesn't mean I should restrict my calories.
I went through my favorite yoga sequence and then hip cars and 90/90s, thread the needle on both sides and some light core engagement so I could minimize any back aches today.
Dinner was easy, I shoved a frozen pot roast in the crackpot and forgot about it until around 4:30p, when I was reminded that I had starving children and they needed food immediately. I didn't take any pictures, we simply devoured dinner. Beef roast with mash and roasted broccoli for the cozy win on a rainy day.
I had a very exciting and intriguing phone call today with Exos Gym's recruiting officer. Details to come on that front, but just know I'm SUPER stoked for this potential thing happening in my life.
No pictures today, just vibes.