A Nice Day Out
Since my weekend consists of taking a break from working out so hard and focusing on recovery, I decided today was about having fun. I’ve been really into my routines for a long time now and one of the things I didn’t leave any room for, was fun.
Its just as important to your body and mind as exercise. Enjoying yourself and living your life. We can get so caught up in regimented living and structure that we don’t have time for enjoying things, even simple things, like running errands with friends. So today, that’s just what I did.
Bestie and her family came to pick me up around 11:30a and we were off. I was so excited for the escape. Not having a working car is so hard, and mine has been a glorified driveway decoration for almost a year now. This economy is so hard, we haven’t been able to repair the engine, so the only time I leave the house is when Bestie breaks me out for a few hours. The person we live with was in full Bergen mode, grumpy and troll like, harumphing all over the house, ready to nitpick at anyone who lingered in one spot too long. I needed to get away. I was in no way capable of playing nice with that today.
So I left the house with my best friend and her family and we left town for a few hours, hitting up a couple thrift stores and the Amish grocery. I found some great items, including a vintage fossil bag with the OG purchase card still inside. We talked about everything and danced like maniacs in the aisles and laughed at each other. It was rainy and windy and cold all day, so it was great to be out with my best friend and her family having a good time instead of trapped inside with grumpy people all day.
I was much more energetic today than I have been in a couple weeks. I think that all the rest days and focusing on hydration have really helped. I’m going to spend tomorrow stretching and foam rolling, and hopefully Monday I’ll be back to working out and kicking ass.