A Gym Girlie Rom Com
Let me just set the scene for you:
It's about 10pm, my Husbeardo and I are in our jammies, curled up on the couch a la snuggle pile watching a movie.

My head is on his chest and he's suddenly talking to me.
"Hey, get your booty to bed."
This man's audacity. Who tf does he think he is sending me off to bed? What am I, nine?
Apparently that unspoken thought was written all over my face, because he laughed before replying..
"Aren't you in your prime right now? Hella strong, and ready to rock your workouts hard as hell?"
My facial expressions had to of changed comically.

This man. This wonderful, beardy, pain in my entire ass Husbeard, has listened to me blather on and on about all the phases of my cycle, about cycle syncing, about how my body really wants to make a baby again but my brain does not want another baby, so I work out extra hard during ovulation so I don't have the energy to jump his bones.
And he started tracking my cycle somewhere there too.
So he could be the gentle nudge in my ribs to take care of myself properly and still be able to reach my goals.
He wants me to reach my goals.
And I mean what kind of husband would he be, really, if he didn't support me in this endeavor. But I definitely wasn't expecting him to set up a whole ass calendar somewhere so he could keep track of where I'm at and when, and then be there to provide that encouragement.
Sleep has not always been a great priority of mine, I've always gotten by on less than enough of it, so I"ve conditioned myself to just burn through every ounce of energy I have to accomplish something. But that's not healthy and in fact I'm dealing with the hormonal repercussions of such actions through my entire life. We all know I'm grumpier and way less friendly when I've not had enough sleep, and yes we know I can do the things regardless, but it all feels so much BETTER when I've had adequate sleep. And he knows that.
After fourteen years of marriage I shouldn't still be so shocked by the way this man goes extra for me. But here I am. swoony as fuck because the Beard sent me off to bed with a forehead kiss, a pat on the ass, and a "Rock it Tomorrow, Babe."
Living the Gym GIrlie Rom Com of my dreams over here.