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A busy Saturday

Mia Garlock

Oh man, I feel like I’ve been busy all day while also accomplishing nothing. My kids were up early, I just wanted to sleep. I spent a lot of time cleaning once I did get up, dishes, laundry, trash. Hashtag MomLife.

The snow storm broke long enough for me to get dressed and convince myself to go for a walk, but by the time I reached for my boots, the wind had picked up again and it was snowing. Within 20 minutes, it had become white out conditions. So no walk today, just frigid trips outside so Yrsa could go potty.

I did the last full workout of Blade today! Followed immediately by the Saturday stretches, which were absolutely necessary. My kids cheered me on as I sweat my absolute butt off in the living room.

I can’t believe I made it through Blade, I feel like it went by so fast! I remember feeling like there was no way I could do Blade at all, and here I am at the end of the last day, and I did it all.

I’m so proud of myself.

It’s been 3 months of Valkyrie Squad. 4 months of working out consistently. I’ve lost 30lbs. I’m somehow wearing a lot of the same clothes, as well as a few smaller ones. I eat what I want, when I want, and I’m stronger every day. I’m more confident, and energetic, and light hearted. My goals feel attainable and I don’t feel daunted by effort or my dreams anymore. I feel the most like myself I’ve ever felt.

I can’t wait to swing that sword.

I’m repeating Blade month again, after my cycle finishes up. I’m going to spend the next week doing lots of yoga and practicing MOTUS drills. I want to do at least one more month of Blade before I get into Valkyrie, and the sword work. I pick up my sword at least once a day and swing it around, just to feel it. I’m so excited.

Time to dream about kicking ass. Xoxo.

#Improvement #Training #BladeTraining #Excited #LegionofBadassery #Inspiration #InnerPeace #DogWalk #Exercise #AtHomeWorkout #ValkyrieinTraining #Streching #Snowfall #Fitness #BodyAwareness #TrainingProgram #PMSFatigue #ThemedFitness #Discipline #ValkyrieLifestyle #CozyIn #Tabata #WorkoutatHome #ClimbtheMountain #Workout #WinterStorm #WorkoutProgram #proud #Blizzard #Challenge #Motivation #Healing #WomenWhoFight #MomGetsFit #Consistency #ActiveRestDay #Reflection #ACOSFFitness #IndoorWorkout #Walking #PositiveAffirmations #Blade #exhausted #Winter #Snow #WomanUp #WeightLoss #Yoga #TrainingRing #SelfCare #LevelUp #HealthyLifestyle #Wellness #HouseofWindSupremacy #WinterAesthetic #Fitspo #FitMom #Accomplishment #Confidence #proudofmyself #CycleSyncing #WinterLover #ProgressnotPerfection #Valkyrie #ValkyrieSquad #SelfImprovement #Progress #HealingJourney #AtHomeGym #WinterWonderland #TheMicroSquad #Celebration #SnowStorm #HomeWorkout


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