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70 Days in: A Blizzard Took Me Out

Mia Garlock

So I’m clearly very late writing today, but with good reasons, I promise.

Yesterday afternoon it began snowing in earnest, and by nightfall we had a new 3 inches of snow on the porch. The storm that was supposed to jump us and hit the next town about 20 miles over… well it decided to make camp over top of my house. By my 2am bathroom break, the banister snow had reached about 5inches high. At 5am when I got up with my husband, there was enough snow in front of the door that it couldn’t open all the way, and we had to squeeze out of it.

All that to say, that with my body already aching and sore from the last 3 days of Blade workouts, and all the snow I was definitely going to be shoveling all day, I decided to reschedule. The snowfall is heavy and very wet, sticky, the kind of snow that hurts to shovel. I knew I’d be spending most of my day clearing the porch and the sidewalk and driveway, and that’s a workout on it’s own. It took me 25 minutes to shovel a path from the door to the side of the driveway where the trash bin goes. I didn’t want to burn myself out and have a multi day recovery, so my plan is to work out tomorrow and Saturday to keep myself on track.

Thursdays are usually pretty busy for me anyway, so having the extra 30 minutes or so to do any number of the things on my todo list was helpful indeed. I got some Holiday shopping out of the way, I got my groceries on Instacart, started some Pumpkin Muffins for the kids to devour, and to feature on the Subscription Recipe Drop tomorrow, and cleaned the kitchen. Then I shoveled the driveway for another 30 minutes so my Instacart Shopper could deliver, and got busy working on Recipe Development. The Carne Asada Bowls are amazing, by the way.

This afternoon I have a meeting with Sam and Bex, more top secret Valkyrie stuff that I can’t tell you about yet. We’re getting so many good ideas and details down, this new part of Squad is going to be so freaking cool. I really can’t wait to tell you!

So much is happening with Valkyrie Squad! Between our top secret project, the new Valkyrie Squad Joggers that Sam released, updates to the existing program, and she’s still recording more sections of Valkyrie Squad. Ataraxia is hopefully going to be released after the New Year, and even though I’m only in Blade and planning on repeating it a few times, I don’t even know what is happening in Ataraxia but I need to know. I’m beginning to think that Sam had herself cloned, she’s got so many projects branching off from Squad, I don’t know how she does it all.

Planksgiving is next week, and Bestie and I are planning to try and do it together with the rest of the Legion. We’re doing a Live workout with Sam and the rest of our Valkyrie Sisters in a massive Zoom call, and I’m so excited to break a sweat together. That sounds weird, but I think it will be so funny with all of us cackling between sets and swearing at Sam for whatever fitness debauchery she has planned for us. After Planksgiving, we have Solstice and a gift exchange planned between Valkyries who signed up, and I’m just sitting here in a state of awe and shock that we’re over 300 strong and we all want to spend the Holidays with each other as best as we can. We’re all over the world, and all we want to do is hang out together. That’s just so freakin cool to me!

Yrsa and I did not do our usual walk this morning, because the visibility was absolutely terrible, and we didn’t want to get nailed by a plow truck. We’ve spent a lot of time frolicking like Pepe le Pew in the snow though, so I feel like it’s okay. It’s quite windy out now too, so between the wind, the snow, and the plow truck, we are safer off the block and in the yard.


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