6.1k steps, is hard
I had a whole heap of things interrupt my walking plans today, starting with some errands, a heatwave that brought back 80°F at midday, and the sudden onset of Super Clinger in my 3 year old.
I didn’t get a full walk in at 10:30a, Yrsa wussed out on me after 2 laps from the heat. I don’t blame her, it was hot today, and that girl has some THICC floof. Then after the errands and my clingy toddler holding me hostage until after dinner, I finally got in 6 more laps before 8pm.
Its the Harvest Moon tonight, a time to be thankful and show gratitude for things hard-won, obstacles overcome, and changes that have benefit your life. I have so much to be grateful for, I’m really feeling it. The Moon Rise should be happening any time now, I’m excited to watch it and look at the Night Sky, telling it how grateful I am for this book series, for finding Sam and the Micro Squad gym, for Valkyrie Squad and the friends I’m making. For following my love of writing and starting this blog, and for all the successes I know are already on their way to me.
I suddenly feel like Feyre, painting the Night Sky on her drawer, comforted by the stars and the inky darkness, the promise of forever. I see nothing grim to come from any of the work I’m doing. And for the first time in a long time, I feel excited for whats to come, confident in its greatness, in my greatness, and ready be the best version of myself.
